The variety of the KOMEKO flours

The smell of freshly baked goods – it stands for enjoyment and an incomparable feel good experience. You don’t have to make any compromises in a gluten-free nutrition anymore as we have developed three different types of rice flour.

KOMEKO Knusperlust

Rice flour blend for crispy pastry cases like
puff pastry, tarte flambée & wraps.

KOMEKO Kuchenglück

Rice flour blend for sweet pastries like
cake, biscuits & cookies.

KOMEKO Brotgenuss

Rice flour blend for savory baked goods like
bread, rolls & pizza dough.

Selected Rice Flours

The advantages of KOMEKO proceed from the endowment of the Japanese nature, the tradition and the expertise of the rice farmers. In a traditional family business, in a prefecture in the south of the country, the selected rice grains are blended and ground to high quality and precious rice flours, directed by old custom. It is this craftmanship of the traditional family business that makes our KOMEKO flours so unique.

Enjoyment instead of renunciation for a gluten-free life – this is our motivation!

We want to help people who suffer from gluten-related diseases or quit gluten consciously. Therefore, we chose rice from the Japanese nature. Why? From the knowledge of the rice farmers handed down over many years, we draw our development. We choose the best rice varieties for our flours – and we do so with great dedication and diligence.



Here we have put together a selection of KOMEKO recipe suggestions. Be inspired and enjoy your gluten-free baked goods.

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✨ Sommerpause ✨ Kein Versand zwischen dem 12. Juli und dem 29. Juli. Um deine KOMEKO-Produkte noch im Juli zu erhalten, bestelle bis zum 11. Juli 23:59 Uhr. Bestellungen, die danach eingehen, werden ab dem 30. Juli versendet.